InTDS ArchivebyZoumana KeitaMeet BERTopic— BERT’s Cousin For Advanced Topic ModelingThis article is a comprehensive overview of using Transformers for automatic topic discoveryJan 26, 20225Jan 26, 20225
InTDS ArchivebyDiogo A.P. NunesExploring large collections of documents with unsupervised topic modelling — Part 1/4Interpreting extracted topics with the help of topic modularityJan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
IninspiringbrilliancebyKarthika VijayanKnowledge graphs from complex textThe trick is to make everything simple !May 31, 20222May 31, 20222
InTDS ArchivebyMauro Di PietroText Classification with NLP: Tf-Idf vs Word2Vec vs BERTPreprocessing, Model Design, Evaluation, Explainability for Bag-of-Words, Word Embedding, Language modelsJul 18, 202028Jul 18, 202028
InTDS ArchivebyRani HorevBERT Explained: State of the art language model for NLPAn approachable and understandable explanation of BERT, a recent paper by Google that achieved SOTA results in wide variety of NLP tasks.Nov 10, 201833Nov 10, 201833
InDev GeniusbyYujian TangThree NLP Projects You Need in Your PortfolioNLP projects that any aspiring machine learning engineer should have in their portfolioDec 25, 20212Dec 25, 20212